If you can help out - please contact Drew Miller (drew@velobrew.com) You can go to http://www.velobrew.com/JAxRacing.asp to see what times are available and respond to Drew by TONIGHT (Thursday 9/10/09).
Information regarding registration for race can be found at http://www.floridacycling.com/ .
There is also quite a bit more going on than just racing in conjunction with the St Augustine Cycling Festival - all the details are at http://www.staugustinecyclingfestival.com/ All of this supports the Boy Scouts.
- There will be an expo going on at the St. Augustine Ampitheater with displays from many of the shops, and demos from Zipp, Jamis, and other brands.- There is a bike raffle going on - you can have the chance to win a bike witha value of up to $3,500. Tickets are $20 and there are only a limited number being sold. You can purchase those at the expo, and don't have to be present to win.- There will be a movie night at the Ampithater on Sautrday after the racing is over- The Watermelon Ride is goign to start from the Ampitheater on Sunday.
Hope to see you out there!!
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